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Infectious Actor Liaan Ferreira In his Element

Photo: Justin Munitz

Liaan Ferreira is a star on the rise who embodies personality, charm, and talent. The 36-year-old actor and director has carved a space for himself on large and small screens since he transitioned from the theatre. As his roles get more extensive and his name inches toward the top of the call sheet, Ferreira has accelerated his already rapid pace of work. Liaan has taken on grittier leading man roles as director as-well-as executive producer in the independent film market with the action thriller "John Burrows," the new indie film in which he plays the pivotal role, is slated for an early 2023 release.

Photo: Justin Munitz

With more than 40+ nominations and 26 international screen-acting wins to his name, Liaan Ferreira is an award-winning-actor. He has trained globally with Los Angeles-based Howard Fine, Larry Moss, Anthony Meindl studios, and Ivanna Chubbuck in New York. His energy is beyond positive and after talking to him, you understand why the rising actor is in demand. His talent and authentic passion for his craft is infectious. His family is very supportive and Liaan feels grateful to have amazing people that love and support him on this journey. "It’s important to have a strong support system, and I surround myself with people that want only the best for me, said Liaan.

In his rising career, he has already had the privilege of acting alongside Hollywood screen legends such as Denzel Washington, Ryan Reynolds, Vera Farmiga, Joel Kinnaman, Robert Patrick, Liam Cunningham, Sam Shepard, Tilly Powell, Jake McLaughlin, Brendan Gleeson, Rubén Blades, Nora Arnezeder, Liam Ferguson, Ed Skrein, Tom Hopper, Charlie Murphy, Ryan Kwanten, James Norton, Darrell D'Silva and many more. US releases include Safe House, Northmen: A Viking Saga, SAF3, and NETFLIX'S Shadow.

While taking a moment to stop (between takes). Liaan spoke with Gemma Magazine about his training, his inspiration and positivity, and his passion for his craft. Therefore, let's get started.

Tell me a bit about your training. You have done quite a bit of theatre, correct? That's right—I started in community theatre and enjoyed the rush of being onstage. I never formally trained, but I believe acting is an ongoing learning experience. I continuously learn; I think the best training is on the job—that's where the growth is—I guess, in many ways, I am still figuring it all out as I go. You never stop learning. I consume knowledge daily, and there's always room for improvement.

What does acting mean to you?

It means EVERYTHING to me. When I was younger and felt like I didn’t fit in, ACTING was the ONE thing that made me feel like I belonged. It gave me purpose and has been a constant in my life. Always pushing me to be better and embrace being vulnerable — to try things that I would never have. Growing up I had to over come a lot of adversity. I had to fight for everything in my life and the one thing that has always stayed true is my love for acting. Constantly reaching for something special within yourself and in essence, it has brought me closer to what it truly means to be human.

Did someone inspire you to be an actor? So many great actors have inspired me over the years — I learn primarily from watching the people who came before me, and I consider them friends. For example, James Dean is iconic, and Elvis Presley in the 1957 classic "Jailhouse Rock" ("That ain't tactics, honey. It's just the beast in me") always kept me company growing up. Like Marlon Brando, I still walk around and shout, "STELLA!!!". The list goes on: Tom Cruise, Shia LaBeouf, Denzel Washington, Harrison Ford, Keanu Reeves. Every actor disrupts the status quo.

Tell us about your new film, "John Burrows." I would describe John as an apex predator roaming around in the depths, like a Shark — looking for his next target. Well, that's how I saw the role and went about studying different wild animals. To better understand why he acts like a Lion looking out at the prairie eyeing a gazelle. The eyes —it's all in the eyes, you know. He has animal-like-mannerisms in how he goes about things and attacks and annihilates you without warning. John Burrows's mysterious past seems to drive him with a vengeance. A journey filled with fast cars, action, romance, and murder.

How has it been to work with top Hollywood stars? Has one precisely stood out? IT'S A GREAT MOMENT to work with Hollywood's best — Watching Two-time Academy Award-winning actor Denzel Washington doing his thing was a masterclass. And Ryan Reynolds made me laugh with his trademark sarcastic flair. I feel I'm consistently upping my game when working with such genius artists, and I want to play among them constantly; that is why Los Angeles, California, is teaming with greatness.

You have acted with some big names. I'd love to work with Jennifer Aniston — I'm a big fan of her work. Tom Cruise would be a thrill to work with — I think he's excellent, and watching him do some crazy stunts is always inspiring and entertaining at the same time. Who do you want to work with?

When I was younger and felt like I didn’t fit in, ACTING was the ONE thing that made me feel like I belonged. It gave me purpose and has been a constant in my life. Always pushing me to be better and embrace being vulnerable — to try things that I would never have. Growing up I had to over come a lot of adversity. I had to fight for everything in my life and the one thing that has always stayed true is my love for acting. Constantly reaching for something special within yourself and in essence, it has brought me closer to what it truly means to be human. (Liaan Ferreira)

How does the craft of acting sustain you? Acting supports me in many ways. I am grateful to be in a chapter where I grow exponentially. This industry is the place that either MAKES or BREAKS you—that choice, however, is yours to make. I've made the CHOICE to go FULL-STEAM-AHEAD, and with the support of my wonderful wifey "Ruwé Jana" who backs me all the way and is by far my biggest fan — how can I lose? I've always had immense confidence and made way for myself. Acting has given me the outlet to express myself freely, which helped me figure out who I am in my personal life by understanding each character's past and what it's like to walk in someone else's shoes yet relate in so many ways. I love being onset and the thrill of it all. It invigorates my soul.

Photo: Justin Munitz

Favorite book, movie, and series? "The Authentic Life of Billy, the Kid" — I'd love to play a cowboy someday. My favorite movie is a tough one — I refuse to answer. Ha! If I had to pick, it'd have to be Top Gun, On the Waterfront, Rebel, Indie Jones, and The Wild One. There are some fantastic series at the moment — Stranger things is nice.

Where do you see yourself in two years? A lot can happen in two years. Realistically — I see myself working alongside some of the best and most talented ACTORS + DIRECTORS in the world. I feel a BIG SHIFT happening with my career. A series regular on a renowned network would be fantastic. As a producer, I'd like to collaborate on meaningful and influential projects. Most importantly, I also flourish in my relationship and be the BEST husband I can be.

What else is coming up for you in 2023? I am always grateful for any opportunities that come my way and always optimistic about things. I go where the tide takes me. It all depends on where the wind will blow me next. Who knows what the universe has planned for me — I'll tell you this much — I'm Enthusiastic about the future.

You can keep up with Liaan on the following social media platforms: Social media: Instagram: @liaanferreira TWITTER: liaanferreira23 FB: @actorliaanferreira


PRODUCTION CREDITS Photography by Justin Munitz @justinmunitz Styling by Ruwé Jana Ferreira @ruwe_jana_ferreira Grooming by Asheka Baderoen @ash_haircare @mooistesalon


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